When a little girl dreams about her wedding day, she envisions walking down an aisle with all eyes on her looking like a princess. As her groom catches his first glimpse of her making her way to his side, he envisions the most beautiful bride in a breathtaking dress. That’s the dream. The reality is that some brides have some very unusual tastes. Here are 50 of the ugliest wedding dresses of all times. If the woman you are promised to wed shows up wearing one of these, you just might want to turn and run the opposite direction as fast as you can.
Mermaid Missing Top

Have we ended up under the sea, or are we still on land? Her skirt resembles the tail of a mermaid, and with the scantly clad top accented in intricate lace and pearls, this bride appears to be giving away her secret identity as a mermaid while she daringly walks down the aisle seemingly missing most of the top portion of the dress. The sweeping pearls and lace make onlookers gasp hoping she doesn’t turn too quickly to reveal more than wedding guests need to see. No one but an extremely slender model could pull this off unless, of course, she really is a mermaid.
Busting Out And Not Family Friendly

Hide your eyes grandma, this wedding isn’t G rated. There is one thing to attract a mate with an excessively large feature. It’s an entirely other thing to show it off for everyone to see. The dress itself seems to be basically understated and pleasant, but this particular bride would have been a lot more tasteful to find one with a little bit more fabric up top. At the very least, straps would be beneficial even though she obviously does not need any help with additional boost. The extremely tiny waistline just serves to accentuate the issue to an even further extreme.
Taking The Plunge Or Cake Toppers

All that’s needed is a cake for these two to stand on top of. Or, maybe they’re ready to take the big plunge literally by diving into deep waters. It looks as though the groom is either in a wet suit or has been painted from head to toe. The bride appears to be dressed similarly in either a skin-tight white and swirly mermaid-like wet suit or it’s all body paint short of the leg gear skirt. She opted to ditch the head piece entirely, but if she changes her mind, some scuba gear or a swim cap would go with this nicely.
Beach Ready Wedding

If he were to admit it, he may have actually dreamed of a beach wedding. Though, I doubt he could have imagined this is how his bride would show up. We can only hope this is actually a picture of the bachelor party. The bride’s dress consists of an extremely skimpy white bikini and a garter. To be fair, it is accented with white and gold flowers that cover all of the more intimate parts. There truly isn’t much fabric to this beach-ready wedding dress, but at least she’s wearing shoes. And, she’s already got her groom holding her bouquet.
Wait For The Honeymoon

Did her maid of honor not realize it’s part of her job to inform the bride that she has forgotten part of her dress? This bride appears to be a little bit too eager to get started on the honeymoon. Or, maybe this is the garment to be worn under the dress and not as the dress itself. The skirt seems to be in tact. And, the veil is traditional and covers almost as much as the rest of the dress. The top to the waistline leaves very little to the imagination. The sheer fabric only helps the mind to wander and probably make the groom want to leave the reception early.
Busting Out All Over

All right! Maybe she’s got something worthy of busting a few buttons over, but please save it for the honeymoon. A room full of wedding guests don’t need to see everything. Though, it’s bound to turn the conversation toward wondering if a little plastic surgery has been done or if she comes by it naturally. Sorry folks, the reception has been canceled since the bride has spent the budget on enhancing a notable feature of her appearance that only the groom should be looking at. We can only hope she has put some extremely powerful body glue on some specific points of this dress to keep from revealing any more.
Excess Tissue Paper Found In The Trash

This bride’s dress looks as if she has been rifling through the trash or that she had excess tissue paper she needed to put to good use. She appears to be wrapped in a crumpled piece of tissue paper or an old napkin. Even her shoes are just strips of fabric. Her head looks as if she got stuck inside a beekeeper’s hood or a cheap, over sized shower cap. Her makeup makes her appear as though she is a walking zombie. And, look out! What is that around her upper right arm? It looks like a white snake creeping out for a bite.
Whoa Baby!

For this bride’s big day, she has a big announcement that she apparently wants to make obvious for all to see. She can only hope this uncovered, protruding baby bump is the only bump in the road for their wedding day. There are probably more subtle ways to include your unborn baby in your wedding ceremony. The top is a bit revealing as well and doesn’t look very secure. The slit in the skirt is set to show off even more as she begins her stroll down the aisle. One wrong move, and she’ll be showing off more than an expectant baby belly bulge.
Ready For Bed

Nighty night! This couple is ready for bed. It looks like they just rolled out of bed all decked out in their pajamas. Or, maybe he’s wearing the PJ top, and she’s turned his pajama pants into a dress, but it didn’t quite work out so well. It’s all pieced together and has a peek-a-boo hole positioned perfectly so everyone can see her belly button ring. Now, let’s talk about that hood and giant white bow tie. Was the hood supposed to originally be the bride’s veil, and the two got completely messed up? Or, is he trying to look like Grumpy Bear from the Care Bears?
Gravity Falls

Gravity is what keeps us grounded. Unfortunately, gravity is not always our friend. What should have been a sweet, romantic and intimate portrait got captured at the wrong angle. The entire wedding gown could have been a hit had she simply not chose to go strapless. Maybe it would help if she buttoned up the sheer, lacy jacket. At least it would leave something to the imagination. The two don’t look comfortable sitting in the brown, dying grass either. Though, the groom is making a sweet attempt to peer only into her eyes and not allow them to wander downward.
Bubble Queen

Someone poured bubble bath into the Jacuzzi, and got carried away. Or, maybe someone perched her atop a parade float. At least she has made a clean sweep on her wedding day as she appears to be swept up in the poofy skirt and veil. The gauntlet and upper arm intricate lace starts this gown off with high hopes. But, one look and it appears the bride is soaking in a bath tub over filled with bubbles. Oh, but it doesn’t stop there. It’s as if someone has crowned her the queen of bubbles with a shiny headpiece that splits apart a veil that is equally poofy to match the skirt of this wedding gown.
Full Of Hot Air

Is it an intricate piece of art work, or is she about to be deflated? Don’t get too close if you have any sharp objects on you. You’re bound to pop this bride’s entire gown even topped with a white balloon tiara. Maybe she met her groom at the circus when he made her a balloon animal. Whatever the reason for this dress made of intricately placed balloons and backed with a pastel rainbow of balloons that seem to form wings, one thing is clear. She won’t be attempting to sit down unless she wants to celebrate with loud popping sounds.
Head Hunter Bride

The groom had better watch his step, or she may have his head. At least, it appears this bride has a thing for hair. Let’s hope he at least has a nice, healthy head full. Sewn into this custom-made gown is 250 meters of human hair. That’s right! It’s all human hair that was once atop a human head. Why most of it is colored in various shades of red, ranging from light red to crimson, is unclear. It is also not clear why the bride’s hair matches the reds on the gown. What is clear is that the dress is certainly an original.
They Did It For The Tee-Shirt

Like running a marathon, or attending summer camp, this wedding party did it for the tee shirt. Everyone, the entire wedding party, is clad in a white tee-shirt with blue insignia to declare what role they play in the big day. Although, it’s a bit difficult to tell if the bride’s wedding gown is actually made of tee-shirt fabric. It looks like she simply had her title of wifey emblazoned onto the back of her dress. And, the groom’s shirt seems to have a full-color photograph framed with blue swirls. Well, at least she had no worries about finding her “Something Blue” to wear.
Bride On Diaper Duty

Will you be using cloth or disposable? This is typically a question directed to new mothers, not a bride planning how her gown will look. When she chose her wedding party, she might have wanted to consider how young they were. But, that’s no problem. Instead of selecting what dresses her bridesmaids would wear, she instead chose to wear it herself. An entire wedding gown made only of disposable diapers. Maybe, next time think about putting one on each of those bare babies at your feet. Seriously, this dress is one of the most ugly, or shall we say, unusual wedding gowns ever made.
Flaming Red Hot

This wedding is on fire! She is going to look smoking red hot on her wedding day. Well, at least her gown will. When the bride strolls down the aisle, she will be showing off flames of red and orange as her train rises to greet her. Maybe these flames are representing their flaming hot love with red and orange flames printed on her train. Or, maybe there were flames painted on the race car that her groom-to-be pulled up in that impressed her enough to say yes to this dress. We can only hope it isn’t foreshadowing that the relationship will soon crash and burn.
When Bakers Marry

Two of the most costly expenses that go into planning a wedding are the dress and the cake. Why not combine the two. It certainly makes for a good ice breaker if nothing else to help strike up a conversation as guests are picking pastries from your garment. These two wouldn’t want to miss the cake cutting. They got an early start by wearing the 20 pounds of cream puffs in the form of a dress. They appear to have saved on the tux rental as well. Don’t overlook the fact that the groom is donning full chef attire to complement his bride’s tasty look.
Flash From The Past

This satin and lace dress is a complete flash from the past, popular well throughout the 1990s. While, many brides of the time sought to wear poofed sleeves and gauntlets or gloves, this dress takes it to the limit. Maybe it’s the veil that really puts it over the top. How about choosing which poof you want to accent instead of going overboard to add every white accent in the craft store. To be completely honest with full disclosure, supermodel Cindy Crawford did not really wear this to her own personal wedding. It was the one she wore in the movie Labyrinth.
Late For The 76ers Game

It’s game on for this wedding. This bride looks as though she is sneaking time to get wed in between sporting events. Let’s hope she’s not late for the game. But, if she is, she can simple rip off the skirt and veil, swap out heels for athletic shoes and be ready to play. No need to go to any special work or anything making it the most delightful gown you’ll ever wear. This wedding dress focuses purely on the sport of it. The skirt and veil look as though they were pulled from window curtains and added as an after thought.
Not-So Camouflaged

What bride and groom? Do you see anything here? It may be full camouflage, but she’s far from hidden and never blends in with her surroundings anyway. Reality show star Mama June seen here with Sugar Bear from Here comes Honey Boo Boo, doesn’t like to be understated. That’s putting it mildly. There was no worry of going unnoticed at her wedding vows renewal in 2012 especially with the accent of hunter safety orange set against the camo-clad bridal party. One little belle did seem to stand out, though, in her pink and orange tulle dress. And, the silk flower-look colorful bridal bouquet also stood out. Though, the bride did wear a traditional veil.
God Bless America

The vows of this wedding will start with, “I pledge allegiance.” One can only wonder if her marriage license will resemble the United State Constitution with an official signing of her and her groom’s very own “John Hancock.” She is either proud to be an American where at least she knows she’s free, or she wants to look patriotic enough to pass her citizenship test. Either way, she wears the stars and stripes and the red, white, and blue as part of her wedding gown. Maybe there will be fireworks at the reception, but they won’t be to celebrate her independence.
Lollipops And Orange Swirls

Their wedding may be their dream come true, but it looks more like they stepped out of Alice In Wonderland or Willie Wonka’s chocolate factory. Either way, orange is usually a color used in caution safety vests and not for a ceremony as special as your wedding. Though, they do look scrumptious and won’t have any trouble whetting the appetites of guests to enjoy their wedding cake. With that super tall, large crown, there is no doubt that her groom sees her as the queen of something. Orange must be their favorite color. But, could the groom at least ditch the baseball cap for the ceremony?
Used Cupcake Liners

Are they cupcake wrappers, wilting flower petals, or the skirting of the tables at the reception? While all of these options have a purpose, none were ever intended to serve the purpose of becoming a full out wedding dress. The skirt seriously looks like someone took flattened out cupcake liners and stitched them together. At best, it looks like she’s perched atop a table ready for the reception to begin. Even if you go the path with a touch of romance and go with the fact that they are intended to look like flower petals, it really lost something in the translation.
Snuggled Safely

What is this bride hiding from? Whatever it is, she seems to be content all snuggled safely inside this gown that is blanketing her entire body leaving an opening only for her face. It may look more like a cocoon or butterfly ready to burst forth from its wrapped chrysalis. The truth is that it was designed in 1965 based on the inspiration of Russian nesting dolls. Maybe as she walks down the aisle, her entire wedding party will begin popping out one by one, each one slightly smaller than the previous one, from underneath her gown as the nesting dolls do.
Shower Cap Bride

This bride appears to be stuck inside of a porcelain tub, and only the bottom part of her body has been freed. Is she having her hair conditioned or getting ready to go for a swim? The most noticeable element of this wedding attire seems to stick out like a sore thumb. She looks like she’s wearing a bathing cap. Worse yet, it has a chin guard. Cascading from the dress is an abundance of poof that you would think would make her feel free and light on her feet. Yet, she appears to be trapped inside of a wrapping of satin that has bound her entire top section around the shoulders.
For the Catty Bride

Perhaps this bride is showing off her catty side with her choice of Hello Kitty branded dresses. The choice is clear. Would you like princess pink or pastel baby blue? Both are done in a southern belle style that screams the need for white gloves and an over sized bonnet. Maybe they’d make better bridesmaid or flower girl dresses. But, who would do that to her best friends? Surely the bride will stand out as stunning if not certainly more mature among dresses like these. Maybe that’s the intent behind these dresses that feature pastels and an infamous cat, Hello Kitty.
A Touch Of Tentacles

Watch out! Has Ursula trapped the voice and embodied the true mermaid of a bride? The only difference between this wedding dress and the Disney Villain’s attire is that this one is done in white. However, much like the evil sea witch, the tentacles are there, and the bride is even able to control them as she moves about gliding down the aisle to meet her victim, or I mean her groom. He can only hope that she isn’t planning on casting a lifelong spell to gain control over him. But, then again, that may be only way he will say, “I do” after seeing his bride coming to greet him wearing this.
Pineapple Or Duck?

Is it a white pineapple or a duck with down feathers? You be the judge. Will this bride make guests hungry for reception food or make them flutter away quacking with disbelief. Either way, it’s not something most grooms will want to see coming toward them when they’re about to make the biggest commitment of their life. And, look! Does the dress even have pockets? Or, are those just added white fluff to add even more padding to this already frumpy dress? At least it’s modest with the high neckline. Though, imagine what kind of head piece would go with this knee-length tropical fruit or bird-like look.
Bermuda Boys

Do the Bermuda short clad groomsmen come with this dress? Maybe they are part of the accessories, but if you wear this dress it looks like you will be followed by adoring footmen. Without the flower carrying male accouterments, the dress would probably get noticed given the size of the veil that looks as though the bride was caught up in a whirlwind of a tornadic wind storm just before setting foot to take her first steps down the aisle. The rest of the gown appears to have been patched and pieced together as if she pulled out a variety of different styles from her closet to wear.

Sometimes, there is a fine line between confidence and a bold look that demands attention. This bride may very well wear the pants in the family, but there is a hint of angelic like wings made of tulle outlining the shoulders and the train. There is nothing subtle or understated about this wedding gown. It makes a fierce and bold statement that you can stop what you’re doing and put all eyes on the bride. Be very afraid if you don’t, because the entire dress and hat screams beware of who is in charge. If nothing else, she will look fierce coming down the aisle.

Rah, rah, rah! You can do it! Go team wedding! Is she the bride or the cheerleader here to encourage and cheer on the wedding? Maybe she had a few doubts about the wedding and needs a little boost of encouragement. All she is missing is her pom poms, and she’s dressed for the big game day. Not sure which is more noticeable, the flirty, short and poofy skirt, the pink peek-a-boo top, or the jewelry and makeup that seems to have been applied to accentuate an entirely different gown. A simple string of pearls or diamonds would have sufficed to turn even this cheer-leading look into a stunning bride.

Did somebody just get tee-peed? Maybe during a pandemic when there is a toilet paper shortage, this dress is a luxury. However, most brides will probably feel as though it is more fitting as something to wear on the honeymoon, if she would consider wearing it at all. She appears to have gotten tangled up and wrapped in an entire roll of tissue paper or paper towels swirling ever so carefully around to cover only the most intimate parts. Even the veil looks as though it’s raining streams of white as though her entire front yard was tee-peed. Well, at least she’s not walking under a dark cloud on her big day.
And All That Jazz

The Magnolias seem to be in bloom a tad bit early this year, and these over sized blooms have made their way to one of the skimpiest wedding gowns ever seen. Maybe she’s Puttin’ on the Ritz, or she confused the jazz singer competition with her wedding. Perhaps a skirt would help this dress that seems to be one big white flower accented with a collar and a hat. The flower seems to be growing with each and every step down the aisle. Is there even a skirt at all? Or, are those shorts she’s wearing? Please, somebody tell her that the shoes are all wrong for the overall theme.
Umbrella Bride

You know what they say about it raining on your wedding day. The phrase includes something about luck. Is it good luck? Or, maybe she wanted to bring her own tent to ensure she has a seat at the reception. Either way, this bride is prepared with an umbrella-like veil that seems to be sprouting from the bottom of an over-turned flower pot on top of her head. Despite the huge tent-like veil, the rest of this dress seems to have potential on its own. Though, it may be a tad bit tight as it hugs her skin from top to bottom.
Something Blue

The saying goes, “Something old, something new. Something borrowed, something blue.” This bride took the “something blue” thing to the extreme. Maybe nobody needs to tell her that usually a bride will tuck a subtle color of blue away on a hidden accessory like a garter. It is not supposed to be the entire gown and the veil. Besides the southern belle floral big skirt being done in a color other than white and the fact that the bride seems to be peering out from under a beekeeper hood tinted blue, this dress wouldn’t be so bad. Let’s just hope it’s not the groom who ends up feeling blue when he sees her walking down the aisle.
Casting Shadows of Doubt

If there is such a thing as a dark omen, this bride has found it. This dress may very well be the closest thing to seeing the Grim Reaper greet you before you even get a chance to say your vows. Every bride gets a little bit of cold feet just before the big day. This bride, however, seems to be casting a huge shadow of doubt, a dark cloud, or casting a spell of gloom over her otherwise blessed wedding day. Nothing about this gown is pure and white. She is shrouded in a long black veil that seems to be literally tripping her up as she attempts to move forward.
A Bit Tipsy

This is quite possibly the best example of why the wedding day toasts are generally reserved till after the ceremony. It looks like somebody gave this bride a bit too much celebratory champagne. The dress appears to be light and airy, but it may be making this bride a bit tipsy. Or, maybe she’s being swept up into heavenly bliss on her big wedding day. The feather-like boa and streams of white seem to go on forever. And, is she wearing her bouquet around her waist? No matter how light and airy this wedding dress appears to be, the groom looks like he needs a bit of help to prop her up.
Party Decoration Dress

It looks like somebody got a bit carried away decorating for the wedding reception and turned her dress into one big party favor. This dress looks like a cross between a paper flower party decoration or a paper lantern. Maybe she was going for both. Or, maybe she put on a few pounds just before the wedding and wanted to hide her growing mid section. Either way, there is no question of modesty with this gown. It’s as if someone opened up the garment bag, and the dress popped up ready-to-wear. Even the headpiece is in the style of a pop-up paper flower decoration.
Hoop Skirt Bride

She’s getting a head start on the poolside party games planned for the reception. Hands down, this bride has won the hula hoop contest. Typically when a hoop is worn under a gown, it is to make the skirt full all the way around, not just at the waistline. Maybe, this hula-hoop-like mid section is an attempt to lift up the skirt so she doesn’t trip on it. Or, perhaps she’s hiding the flower girl in her skirt. Whatever the thought behind this gown’s concept, it certainly does not flatter any figure. The top that looks to be too large for the bride doesn’t help matters either.
A Bit Mousy

It’s time to right click to cancel this wedding dress. Perhaps whoever wears this white mouse-accessorized attire should learn to leave their online work at the office. This dress walks the bride into the digital age with a cluster of white computer mouse devices attached to the top half. Something maybe gets lost in the translation since these accessories appear to look more like a bunch of bars of white soap or giant white breath mints. She tries to make up for it by shortening the front of the hem line. Sadly, it does little to draw the attention of the eyes away from the bulky white computer mouse collection up top.
It’s A Ruff Life

Maybe she simply wants to match her groom’s tuxedo collar, or maybe there’s more behind the scenes to this dress. This bride looks as though she is perched atop a ruff, an Elizabethan white ruffled millstone collar worn during the Renaissance time period. Maybe she is a paper fold-out wedding bell, or did she just get carried away with trying her hand at the art of napkin folding? Whatever the reason, she won’t have any need of hiring an accordion player at the reception. Her dress will do just fine with its multiple accordion-like folds. If nothing else, she can keep handing out cloth napkins to her guests all night long.
Long Train Coming

Before you jump to conclusions, consider the many benefits of having a train this long on your wedding dress. Maybe the bride simply doesn’t want her big special day to end, since it will take several days to get this train down the aisle. Or, maybe she didn’t want to leave anyone out of the wedding party. Each guest would have a role in holding up a part of the train. Think about the practical aspect of this dress as well. With all of the guests gathered around it, the meal could be served using the long fabric as the table.
Fairy Godmother Guffaw

Remember in the Disney’s version of Sleeping Beauty when the fairy godmothers tried to make the girl a dress? This looks like it just might be where that ended up. For starters, why is the wedding gown pink? Perhaps, it’s for a second wedding. But, why does the skirt start at her knees at the bottom of a tightly tailored suit? Maybe a better question would be, why does it look as though she has been wrapped with thick white elastic? The big hat and on top of the dress were probably an attempt at hiding all of the flaws.
It’s No Snow Job

Do you want to build a snowman? How about a snow bride? This bride looks like she has just been freshly rolled to form three white snowballs accented with white flowers. Let’s hope the wedding isn’t one big snow job fooling us all into thinking they are actually married. Just one question is, “where are her arms?” And, will she need to be rolled down the aisle? The groom is even decked out in white boots ready for any weather. Though, what is he holding in his hand, and could he have taken the time to get a little more dressed up than the partially unzipped white jumpsuit?
Life-Sized Bridal Cake

This one may be the exception to the ugly dresses. However, you’d be hard pressed not to get someone to admit that having a life-sized wedding cake made to look just like the bride is a little creepy even if it is a pretty good likeness. The cake version has a few variations, though, that leaves you wondering if the bride actually accidentally stumbled upon a similar-looking bride with a similar-looking dress that happened to be shaped into the form of cake on her wedding day. And, who really wants to cut into that to eat it? Let’s be real.
Furry Veil

Is it faux fur or Elvira revisited? Perhaps, she is trying to appear to be a snow queen. Maybe she has a team of white cats who have formed a circle around her. Whatever the reason for this display of fur, it’s as though it is completely out of place against the entirely almost invisible sheer veil and dress it is intending on accenting. The white bouquet does help some, but they along with the manicure are not supposed to be the focal point highlights of a wedding dress. And, if the cat theory is correct, we can only hope they stay connected and don’t wander off or pounce the guests in the middle of the ceremony.
Parachute Bride

Talk about taking risks. This bride looks like she’s ready to take the big leap of her life. However, jumping out of an airplane would probably be an easier feat than attempting to get her down the aisle without her wedding dress overflowing into the audience filled with surprised guests. If she actually does end up literally taking the big leap from an airplane, there is no reason for alarm. No worries! There is enough poof to keep her afloat for days. Then again, maybe she’s already on Cloud 9. Her dress just looks as if she brought the cloud with her.
Choose One – Poof Or Pearls

Nothing about this dress is understated. This is so typical of this era to overstate everything. Even the bouquet in this case is huge. While the accents to this dress were typical of 1980s or 1990s style, this bride really needs to make her choice. Either go with the over-the-top poofy head piece of a veil that looks like a bird’s plumage, or select the dangling pearls that look more like a chin strap. But, you can’t have it both ways to look appealing. We would be remiss if we didn’t also point out those bows perched on top of the shoulders.
Spread Your Feathers

The idea probably started with an attempt to add a flare of color to an otherwise plain, white and understated wedding dress. Once a little purple, blue and yellow colored flowers accented the dress, things look as though they got out of hand by turning the whole thing into a peacock. But, isn’t it the male peacock who spreads their feathers to put on a show and strut their stuff for the female bird to notice? In this case, her bouquet is full of plumes that form a huge display of feathers as she walks down the aisle looking like a peacock strutting toward their mate.
Bridal Bouquet

No need for a bouquet for this bride. The bride is the bouquet. Or, maybe she has begun melting into the red carpet that was intended to line the path to lead her down the aisle to wed her awaiting groom. Whatever she was going for with this complete botanical display of red roses, she at least had the fashion sense and pure dignity to add a splash of white to offset and accent the entire look. After all, it is her wedding day, and there is something sweet about a bride dressed in white even if it is just a fur wrap around the shoulders.